domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

Reality Statements for Interpersonal Efectiveness

1. It is OK to want or need something from someone else.

2. I have a choice to ask someone for what I want or need.

3. I can stand it if I don't get what I want or need.

4. The fact that someone says no to my request doesn't mean I should not have asked in the first place

5. If I didn't get my objectives, that doesn't mean I didn't go about it in a skillful way.

6. Standing up for myself over "small" things can be just as important as "big" things are to others.

7. I can insist upon my rights and still be a good person.

8. I sometimes have a right to assert myself, even though I may inconvenience others.

9. The fact that other people might not be assertive doesn't mean that I shouldn't be.

10. I can understand and validate another person, and still ask for what I want.

11. There is no law that says other people's opinions are more valid than mine.

12. I may want to please people I care about, but I don't have to please them all the time.

13. Giving, giving, giving is not the be-all of life. I am an important person in this world, too.

14. If I refuse to do a favor for people, that doesn't mean I don't like them.


Reflexiones idóneas que aparecen justo en el momento perfecto para ponerlas en práctica...el final del año más oscuro de mi vida.
Así que, sigamos para adelante mientras la maleta se sigue llenando de experiencia.
